
T&T and Jamaica Listed on World’s 20 Most Dangerous Countries

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ICYMI, Business Insider has ranked the 20 most dangerous countries in the world, with Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago making the list!

The article written by Caitlin Foster and published earlier this month on Business Insider, ranks T&T at #12 and Jamaica at #10. The Caribbean nations are ranked along with Pakistan, Venezuela, Yemen, Colombia and El Salvador for the countries with highest crime rates in the world.

“Murder, domestic, violence and sexual assaults each saw an increase in Trinidad and Tobago in 2017,” states the article.

According to the US State Department’s report, Trinidad and Tobago Police Service (TTPS) 2017 crime statistics show a 5.5 per cent increase in overall serious criminal activity, as compared with 2016. According to LoopTT, “TTPS recorded 496 murders, 462 in 2016, 420 in 2015 and 403 in 2014 in a population approximately 1.4 million people. Already for this year there are 445 murders.”

The article further states, firearms are used in the majority of murders in Jamaica, with 80% of Jamaica’s guns being traced back to the US. The US State Department has also warned travelers of a heightened prevalence of sexual assaults in Jamaica,

Murders, violent crimes, sexual assaults, drug trafficking, human trafficking, gang-related activities and illegal weapons are serious cause for concern in our islands.

Do you agree that these little Caribbean islands should be ranked so high on a world list?

Read Business Insider’s full list HERE.

Last modified: November 16, 2018