
JAY’S THOUGHTS: Cardi B and Nicki Minaj Can Miss Me With The BS!

Entertainment, Featured, Jay's Thoughts


I’m tired of hearing about women empowerment songs, women empowerment tea parties, women empowerment ANYTHING by women who do not empower each other.

Now I understand there seems to be some bad blood based on personal and business situations between Cardi B and Nicki Minaj, however, these two BLACK WOMEN…these two CARIBBEAN WOMEN…need to get their ish together. I am not here to comment on what transpired or how it went down, I am simply stating my own opinion on what I believe to be tricks that continue to brainwash their fans into shit that ultimately will not matter in their fans’ lives!

I’m really tired of the internet trolling, mass marketing schemes and emotional manipulation that most orchestrate in order to sell records, sell magazines, hit charts, sell tickets, sell merchandise or hype video releases.

If people truly understood how these constant mudslinging, social media drama and unnecessary BS play into their psyche! Don’t you have bigger issues in YOUR OWN PERSONAL LIFE to be worried about? Yet you can give the full run down on a beef between two people you’ve never met. What about your cheating husband though? Where’s the rundown on that?!

“You know who pop the most shit, the people who shit not together.” – Cardi B, Money

Frankly, I don’t give a flying fish what their beef is about anymore, there’s room for everyone and enough money to be made!

These ladies are arguing over who turned down endorsement deals to ultimately feed the other, meanwhile social media is ablaze with commentators who’ve never even seen an endorsement deal! I get it, it’s entertaining to the masses but at the end of the day, it’s so destructive. Maybe if some of us spent a lot more time working on our own brands and minding our own businesses then maybe an endorsement deal, partnership deal, business deal, book deal, scholarship deal, DEAL FOR EMPLOYMENT might slap us in the the face.

Listen , just don’t get distracted by the minstrel show. We have immigration issues to BE CONCERNED ABOUT. We have human rights issues to be WORRIED ABOUT. We have racial injustices TO MOBILIZE AGAINST. There’s a President in office we need to VOTE OUT!

So while many are back to scrolling on Instagram or clocking in at the jobs they hate, Nicki and Cardi have allegedly squashed their beef FOR NOW, while counting their checks, getting new deals and breaking new records.

WHAT ABOUT YOU BOO? What about that house you’ve been trying to buy for the last decade? Or that Bachelor’s program you’re still talking about yet haven’t enrolled in school? Or that new job you still haven’t even pushed yourself to interview for? WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF and leave dem rich people alone!

Our teens are watching this, hence the reason most engage with others in this same loud, messy, disrespectful, insensitive, unprofessional, UN-BOSS-LIKE way and then they call it, KEEPING IT REAL!

We have to reach a point where we block out the influx of certain things by asking relevant questions:

  1. How is this benefiting my life?
  2. Would I be a better person because of this information?
  3. Would I feel good sharing this news?

In certain situations, I ask myself, “What Would Oprah Do?” – Jay Blessed

I pray one day, more people will be more concerned with their own mental health and well-being versus being caught up in the lives of strangers that would never even know them! Don’t be fooled by some of these celebs, some of them are in co-hoots with each other just to add more currency to their buckets of fame, while you’re still broke boo!

Be entertained just don’t be a fool.

Last modified: October 30, 2018