
Respected NYC Principal Nadia Lopez Resigns


Dr Nadia Lopez resigns from Mott Hall Bridges Academy MHBA. Listen to her podcast episode on IN MY HEAD with Jay Blessed inside..

Dr. Nadia Lopez, founder of the Mott Hall Bridges Academy resigns as Principal.

Back in April, I had the opportunity to chat with Dr. Lopez on my Caribbean-focused mental health podcast, IN MY HEAD with Jay Blessed, where the educator disclosed she had taken a break from her Principal duties due to a mental health issue.

LISTEN: Ep. 36: “Saving Our Children and Their Education During A Pandemic” (with Dr. Nadia Lopez)

Dr. Nadia Lopez Resigns From Mott Hall Bridges Academy

Dr. Lopez recently took to LinkedIn page to share this message with her audience…

On July 1st, I resigned from my position as principal at Mott Hall Bridges Academy. The decision was extremely hard to make because of my love for the community of Brownsville and every single child I have had the privilege of leading. In 2010, I had a remarkable vision to disrupt an education system that is oppressive and deliberate in stealing the joy and possibilities of children. There were so many forces inside and out that tried to break me down, but it was my faith and being inspired by the brilliance of my scholars that has kept me going. ⁣

I made the executive decision to end my tenure, because my health and wellness is my top priority. I shared the news with TEAM MHBA who I have considered my family over the course of 10 years. I am so proud of their growth and responsiveness to the needs of our scholars, as well as their own personal resilience. But most importantly my scholars and graduates who I love, they have proven that no matter the zip code every child deserves people who believe in them. That’s how we were able to disrupt the school-to-prison pipeline.

Thank you Dr. Lopez for the work you have done through Mott Hall Bridges Academy and in the lives of your students, the people of East New York and the impact you’ve made throughout the globe!

Be sure to follow purchase Dr. Nadia Lopez’s book “The Bridge to Brilliance: How One Woman and One Community Are Inspiring the World” and follow her journey via The Lopez Effect.


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Last modified: July 22, 2020